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Each unit contains 60g of balm with 1,000mg of CBD total. It's spreads thin and a little bit goes a long way. For most users, a single jar will last 3-5 months* when used daily!


More info on specific scents can be found on their product pages:

Sunrise Lift

Wellness Retreat

Twilight Dream

Bare Balm


IMPORTANT: If irritation occurs discontinue use immediately and contact us for a refund.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or ailment.


*5 month estimate is based on a daily use average amount of 0.4g per day



1,000mg Balms - 2oz (Net Wt. 60g) 1,000mg CBD

  • 1,000mg Balms - 2oz (Net Wt. 60g) 1,000mg CBD

  • We usually ship the same or next business day (depending on when the purchase order was received). Our free shipping is via First Class USPS mail (or Priority for large items).

    Due to delays out of  our control, we cannot give a specific expected arrival date, but most orders will be processed and shipped within 1-2 business days.

FDA DISCLOSURE Representations regarding the efficacy and safety of Bodhi Care Products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA only evaluates foods and drugs, not supplements like these products. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always check with your physician before starting a new dietary supplement program. The Cannabidiol (CBD) in Bodhi Care Products is a natural constituent of industrial hemp plants and is grown in the United States of America. Bodhi Care Products does not sell or distribute any products that are in violation of the United States Controlled Substances Act (US CSA). All products contain 0.0% THC. All products are legal in all 50 states.

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Bodhi Care Products

All Right Reserved.

Las Vegas, NV 89131

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