Piggy Tails! Pet Spa & More
With a highly trained staff that loves taking care of dogs, you can be assured that your animal will not just be treated like a number at Piggy Tails Pet Spa & More. Their expert staff will pamper your dog and make them feel safe and comfortable while giving them the grooming of a lifetime!
Stop in today and get the best pet grooming services in Las Vegas! While you're there pick up a bottle of Bodhi Fuzzy Buddy Drops for your dog and our other products for yourself!!

Products Available:
Bodhi Fuzzy Buddy Drops
Bodhi Fuzzy Buddy Balm
1,000mg Balms (for people)
4,000mg Platinum Balm (for people)
Bath Soak Singles (for people)
2,000mg Bath Soak Concentrates (for people)
Wellness and Relaxing Capsule 10 packs
Wellness and Relaxing Capsules 30 packs
7540 Oso Blanca Rd. Suite #120, Las Vegas, NV 89149
(702) 473-5409
Tuesday-Thursday 8am-4pm, Sunday-Monday 8am-6pm
Website: https://piggytailslv.myonlineappointment.com/